Sigh. One of the downfalls of working with the Business Court (and there are VERY FEW) is that we rarely reach the trial stage. In one year of working with the NCBC, I've taken two trials within the BC (and one really wasn't mine, but the reporter who should've had it has gone federal and her replacement hasn't started working yet!). We had one scheduled for next week. Sounded like a good one. A nice three-week, medical malpractice case. Think pages, expert witnesses, interesting terminology... rough drafts?
Alas, it's not to be. So even though I built a very nice job dictionary - thanks to the lovely pleadings available to me - and got my scopist and proofreaders lined up, it went away.
Which, in the long run, is probably okay. I have stuff I can do. I can practice for the Realtime exam (yes, you need to practice even if you write every day). I can work on my volunteer stuff. Oh, and I can do my taxes. But still, a three-week civil trial would've been nice.
Remember... don't count your pages until you write them!