Two years ago I set down a few of my "resolutions" for the year. Like most people, I didn't achieve them. I'm not really sure why. Were they unattainable? Did I not make out a good plan? Were they more like dreams than actual goals? Not sure. So this year I resolved to not make any New Year's Resolutions.
Instead, I have decided to look at the direction my life and my career is taking and evaluate if it is still the direction I wish to continue in. What pieces of my old life can I shed? What facets of my career no longer serve? What goals do I see that I can attain and what are the steps to take to do so? What are the things I'd like to do, just for me?
So here they are, in a nutshell.
I'll still be a court reporter for my clients, but I'm not going to be the whirling dervish I have been in the past, working for different agencies all over the place. I'm going to continue to work in my scoping business, but I'm going to develop a daily-copy client base (based on the west coast would be awesome, especially since we know I'm not a morning person). I'm going to make myself available to travel with my daily copy reporter(s) - esp. if they need to go overseas! I have my passport, it's current, and I'm so willing to see new places! I'm going to train a couple of new scopists so that my client base doesn't have to feel left in the lurch. I'm going to LEARN how to use the other software that I purchased so that I can be as proficient on it as I am on my main software program. Oh, that just makes me more versatile.
I'm going to, along with my spouse, clean out the clutter - from our garage, from our closets, from our kitchen cabinets - and really focus on the important stuff.
The lifestyle changes I started at the tail end of 2011 will continue, I hope. Better eating habits, more exercise (I really am enjoying the yoga), more local stuff, and hanging out with friends.
It won't be horrible if none of these come to pass, but I'm not as daunted by these as I was by the others (giving myself a deadline to take a test and pass? Sure way for it NOT to happen).
I hope your resolutions/challenges/promises/changes, whatever, are meaningful to you and that you succeed in the direction in which they point you.
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