Monday, January 28, 2008

January Requirements

As a small business owner, any court reporter probably has a lot of things to concentrate on in January. There is the fourth quarter payroll tax deposit. There are the filings for your subcontractors - those 1099 forms. And the W-2 for any employees. Not to mention the tax office's requirement for you to do an inventory of all equipment in your office and any purchases that you may have made during the year - you know you have to pay property taxes on them.

So January, that time when you're making New Year's resolutions, is also the time that you have to get your act together fiscally. Filing, balancing checkbooks, verifying deposits. Ah, the joys of small business.

In this last week of January, I hope you all get all of your filing done and all your mailings out in a timely manner. I have been a procrastinator all my life - and nothing has changed. This week I'm working like crazy to get all my paperwork in order.

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