Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Post-Convention Reality Check

Going to convention just gets me all jazzed up.

I bought the new writer and saw that fantastic program - and now I'm going to order it. But first I have to unpack and answer all the voicemail/email messages that accumulated over the weekend.

I cannot begin to share how uplifting and invigorating a convention experience is. If you were a little burned out, you see people really excited about the profession; if you're in need of a new piece of equipment, there's all kinds of stuff there; and just talking to people who "get it" is so reaffirming.

Today I'm back at the computer, getting out transcripts, meeting those deadlines, but also taking stock of my next few months and where I want to go with my training. New writer, CRR test, local conventions, hopefully to the Anaheim national convention in July. Wow.

I love my profession - even when there's a bad day from time to time.

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