Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Week and Home - and Mentoring!

This week is a busy week in Raleigh's Business Court - and I am so GLAD! I love my job - really. We're having hearings EVERY DAY this week in our courtroom. And what's even more fun about this week is that one of the student reporters that I mentor is going to pay me a visit on Wednesday.

So we'll get to catch up on where she is in her schooling and she can get pumped up about this great profession again. It's been a while since she sat in on anything with me - SMAFT, about a year or so, when we did a pretty crazy medical over at UNC - videotaped. This is going to be a whole different ball game.

One thing that makes me happy about my job is that I really enjoy the folks I work with - and that was a huge concern I had, office politics that is, when taking a full-time job. I'm not a political beast, and I pretty much tell it like it is, so I am really glad to have been matched with a group whose dynamic matches my personal style so well. Whee!

1 comment:

  1. Has everything turned out okay with your computer? We've all been guilty of that glass of Diet Coke or Kool-Aid on our desks. Sheesh, what a nightmare!
