Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Care... Please!

So I was assigned to another county. At lunch, I joined the "home" reporters up in their lunchroom. We had a nice chat, but I was left a little curious. Here's why:

I mentioned that I had been to convention in August (well, TWO conventions - both NCRA in DC and NVRA in Nashville) and how I had had such a good time. I learned a lot and got psyched up again. They - none of them, and there were three reporters in the room - do NOT go to convention, unless they need points. And if we as officials were not required to keep our certifications current, I'd bet you dollars to donuts that these folks wouldn't go EVER.

I don't get it. I mean, this is a hard job. Nobody gets it, really, except OTHER reporters. Surely we have a chance to learn what's going on in other parts of the country if we attend. Maybe we need a few days off? Maybe we need to get a new computer (oh, wait, that's right, these reporters are not current in their support contracts and don't keep up to date with technology).

My question is: how do we light a fire under reporters who are like these folks? Will it REALLY take someone threatening their job before they care? We have to figure out a way to make meetings and education and all the other benefits of membership RELEVANT.

For you new reporters, do NOT fall into the trap - stay EXCITED and ACTIVE. And, if the time ever comes when your job is on the line, YOU will be the ones staying because you know how to counteract the threat, you've kept current on your education and technology, and you know how to work with our judicial colleages.

Any ideas on how to get people INTERESTED???

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