Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Gift of a Holiday Weekend

Today is the first day of a long, 3-day holiday weekend for most. Some might call it a mini vacation. (others consider it a time get get caught up)

Your body needs down time. This long weekend, with its importance to our nation's history, reminds us about our liberty and many of the other benefits of living in this great country. We are free to make choices and to live (pretty much) the way we choose.

See your friends and family. Spend time relaxing and simply enjoying. We as reporters tend to be on what feels like a treadmill, day in, day out. There's always another deadline looming, somebody's forgetfulness turns into an emergency that we try to assist with; it's okay to step away for a bit.

Sit back with a cold beer or perhaps a nice chilled glass of white wine. Grill some nice steaks, maybe some corn on the cob. Laugh as kids run under the sprinklers. Finish it all off in awed silence watching the fireworks display.

Society has taught us to always be busy. A good friend of mine forwarded a great article to me this week, and the integral question was: is "BUSY" how we should be defining our lives? I don't think so. Slow down. Take a deep breath. Do something just because you want to, not because you have to.

Enjoy a celebration of your own independence.

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