Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The importance of a support team

Have you ever bitten off more than you could chew?  Were your eyes bigger than your stomach?  You know what I mean.

In the four weeks since I've been back from vacation, I have racked up FOUR CD transcription jobs, one civil appeal, several small civil hearing transcripts, and a couple of criminal cases to transcribe.  Who can do all that on their own?

I can't.  But thankfully, I have a crew of very helpful and professional folks who are willing to work with me.  Two scopists, a typist, another court reporter, and a proofreader.  They are the ONLY WAY I will be able to meet all my deadlines and get some sleep.  One has a degree in journalism, another is a paralegal, another a recent court reporting school grad.  All have experience with vocabulary, legal transcription, and the English language.  They are good businesspeople; they do the work asked of them well and on time.  I know I can count on them.

As a matter of fact, they are the reason I don't worry too much when I see the stack of projects on my desk.  I'm not Wonder Woman, but they sure make me look as if I am.

It's wonderful to be walking this path with my friends/colleagues/support team rather than walking alone.

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